Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Skiing in Roccaraso...

Here are a few pics from our trip skiing in the Appenine mountains in Roccaraso. As my close friends and family know, I do not know how to ski. You just don't get to ski much growing up in the good old Midwest. I had been a handful of times before, but only on really easy hills. We were REALLY excited to ski, but I warned my husband that I was not a lifelong skier like he was, and I needed to start off on the bunny hill. So we arrive at the mountain and the minute we step on the snow he hauls me off to the chair lift and before I know it I'm on what I consider a huge hill. Looking down, I realize I am really nervous and have no idea how I'm going to end up at the bottom of the hill. My lesson from Jason went something like this: "Just turn your skis up into the hill to turn and snow plow to stop." Well, I didn't know what on earth that meant, and soon enough I was flying down the slope and landing on my you know what. After wiping out a handful of times, I decided I wanted off this crazy mountain. I had also decided that I wanted to divorce my husband and wanted real lessons from one of the nice Italian men working at the resort. In between these thoughts came lots of profanities and almost a nervous breakdown on the mountain. So long story short, I took my skis off and walked the rest of the way down. I proceeded to scare my husband away and took a break from all the chaos. Once I calmed myself down and Jason and I had made nice, he and our friend Karl showed me how to do basic ski steps on the small hill. After that, I managed to ski a lot better with fewer falls. Jason, of course, being good at everything he does, was skiing like a pro all day long. Despite all my tumbles I managed to have a blast and can't wait to go again! I've never been one of those people who has made a list of things I wanted to accomplish in life; usually I just take my life experiences as they come and appreciate them as they happen. However, I have been bitten by the skiing bug, and I am setting a goal to learn how to ski well, and even learn how to get on a snowboard. I'm sure I won't be in the winter olympics any time soon, but I refuse to sit on the bunny slopes watching 3 year olds ski past me! Wish me luck!

The happy couple on the bus to Roccaraso

Look at my cute snow bunny!

A loooong way down!

A moment of actual skiing...I look like I'm 5 years old! Ha!

I've made it down the hill!


Laura said...

Oh my god- I wish I could have been there! Quick question, where were your poles? Glad to hear Karl was useful to you because it sounded like your skiing lesson was explained a lot like your stick shift lesson (I love how guys explain things)! Can't wait to get back to see you guys, I'll be home in a few weeks!
Love ya!

Chi Chi said...

April, you do look like you are about 5 in those pictures! Very cute! Carrie and I can't wait to come out there! I wonder if there is still skiing in March out there? Ha ha! Get ready for the Rodriguez-Weaver train. It should be almost as crazy as the griswolds!